NJB Vol. 68 , No. 1 (Spring 2019)

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This issue of the Nordic Journal of Business features three accounting articles. In the first article, Amanda Curry, Anders Hersinger and Kent Nilsson from Luleå University of Technology focus on the operations managers’ use of non-financial information in their operational work, and examine whether this use increases their satisfaction with management accounting systems. The second article by Elina Haapamäki (University of Vaasa) investigates the role of country-specific factors in the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards and the International Standards on Auditing. Finally, the third article by Eija Kärkinen (Centria University of Applied Sciences) focuses on the financial paths of reorganized firms and examines the relationship between reorganization strategies and the firms’ financial paths after the reorganization decision.
I hope you enjoy reading the interesting articles featured in this issue of the Nordic Journal of Business.

Sami Vähämaa
Nordic Journal of Business

Amanda Curry, Anders Hersinger and Kent Nilsson – Operations Managers’ Use of (Ir)relevant Management Accounting Information: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Elina Haapamäki – The Role of Country-Specific Factors and the Adoption of a Global Business Language

Eija-Leena Kärkinen – Financial Paths of Reorganizing Firms after Reorganization Plan Confirmation

The whole issue as a PDF here.

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