Instructions for Authors and Style Guidelines
The Nordic Journal of Business (NJB) is a scholarly journal that publishes original scientific research in all fields of business studies. The Journal welcomes submissions of empirical and theoretical papers that contribute to knowledge of business theory and practice. All submissions are subject to initial editorial screening and are subsequently double-blind refereed by two reviewers who are experts in the field of the manuscript.
NJB publishes
- empirical and theoretical research articles,
- survey and review articles, and
- research notes.
Research articles communicate original scientific research. All submitted research articles are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process. The maximum length of research articles is 10,000 words and double-spaced manuscripts should not exceed 50 pages including the abstract, main text, references, tables, and figures.
Survey and review articles are peer-reviewed communications which aim to analyze, synthesize, and summarize recent research topics and themes. The maximum length of survey and review articles is 8,000 words and double-spaced manuscripts should not exceed 40 pages including the abstract, main text, references, tables, and figures.
Research notes are short and concise communications of original scientific research. All submitted research notes are subjected to an expedited double-blind peer-review process after which the manuscripts are accepted as is, conditionally accepted with minor changes, or rejected. The maximum length of research notes is 2,000 words and double-spaced manuscripts should not exceed 12 pages including the abstract, main text, references, tables, and figures.
Submitting papers
1) Submissions to the Nordic Journal of Business should be sent as a PDF or Word file by e-mail to
2) There is no submission fee.
3) Manuscripts must be written in English.
4) Manuscripts should be double-spaced with wide margins and 12-pt font size.
5) The title page should contain
- (i) the title of the manuscript,
- (ii) author names, professional titles, and institutional affiliations,
- (iii) an abstract of less than 150 words, and
- (iv) postal and e-mail addresses of the authors and full contact information for the corresponding author. The title page should be submitted as a separate PDF or Word file.
6) The first page of the manuscript should contain
- (i) the title and
- (ii) an abstract of less than 150 words and should not contain any author information in order to ensure anonymity during the peer-review process.
7) The title of the manuscript should be concise and informative.
8) The abstract should contain less than 150 words. The abstract should concisely explain the purpose of the paper and summarize the main findings and conclusions. The abstract should be able to stand alone.
9) The main text of the manuscript should be divided into clearly defined sections and subsections which should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. It is advisable to keep the structure of the manuscript as simple as possible.
10) References should be arranged in alphabetical order. When necessary, references to publications by the same author(s) should be arranged chronologically and multiple references to the same author(s) in the same year must be identified with lower-case letters after the year of publication (e.g., 2015a, 2015b etc.).
11) The reference style used by the Nordic Journal of Business is the following:
(i) Articles in periodicals:
Last name of the author, first name(s) or initials (year of publication). Title of the article. Name of the Journal volume number: issue number, page numbers.
Keloharju, M., Knüpfer, S., & Rantapuska, E. (2012). Mutual fund and share ownership in Finland. Finnish Journal of Business Economics 61:2, 178–198.
(ii) Books:
Last name of the author, first name(s) or initials (year of publication). Title of the book. Edition. Publisher.
Wooldridge, J.M. (2010). Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. 2nd Edition. The MIT Press.
ISSN 2342-9003 (print), ISSN 2342-9011 (online)
Editorial correspondence
The Association of Business Schools Finland
Mr. Juuso Leivonen
Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7 A 2
00130 Helsinki
E-mail: editor (at)