Vol. 67, No. 2 (Summer 2018)
This issue of the Nordic Journal of Business includes three peer-reviewed research articles. In the first article, Erno Salmela (Lappeenranta University of Technology) and Niina Nurkka (Saimaa University of Applied Sciences) focus on the phenomenon of digital market capture from the viewpoint of market capturers in the startup and early growth stages. The second article by Jörgen Hellström, Yuna Liu and Tomas Sjögren from Umeå University examines the effects of stock exchange mergers on stock market information efficiency. Finally, the third article by Naufal Alimov (Pellervo Economic Research PTT) investigates the performance and portfolio choices of competing Swedish pension funds.
I hope you enjoy reading the interesting articles featured in this issue of the Nordic Journal of Business.
Sami Vähämaa
Nordic Journal of Business
Erno Salmela and Niina Nurkka – Digital Market Capture – How to Survive in the Death Valley?
Jörgen Hellström, Yuna Liu and Tomas Sjögren – Stock Exchange Mergers and Weak-Form Information Efficiency: Evidence from the OMX Nordic and Baltic Consolidation
Naufal Alimov – Competition as a Driving Force among Institutional Investors: The Case of Swedish Pension Funds
The whole issue as PDF here